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Today there are plenty of reasons to keep your pet (not just cats!) indoors...
Viral and Parasitic Disease
Heartworm, Lyme disease, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), distemper, feline leukemia (feLV), fleas, feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), worms and flukes, rabies—some of these are fatal, some have preventive vaccines, and some fall into both categories.
Cars and Bikes
Most “hit-by-vehicle” animals are killed by the trauma. An accident will be painful for your pet and expensive for you, even if it isn’t fatal.
Unethical and Rude People
Unfortunately, there are some who make a living through pet theft (mostly dogs). According to the National Humane Education Society, out of 5 million family pets reported missing each year, as many as two million are stolen!

The majority of these pets end up at research institutions because the multi-billion dollar animal research industry creates a supply and demand market for stolen dogs and cats. If there are indications that your pet was stolen, call the police or sheriff. There are those who will shoot at an animal with a BB gun or other, resulting in severe wounds or death.


Antifreeze (as little as a half teaspoon is fatal),toxic garden plants, spoiled garbage, chemically-treated lawns, salt and chemical de-icers.

Traps, Predators, Heatstroke, Frostbite, Abcesses from Bite Wounds


Outdoor pets should be brought indoors during tornadoes, hurricanes, tropical storms, Fourth of July, and hunting seasons!


The average life span of indoor cats is about 14 years, but this is reduced to 4 years in cats that are allowed to roam free, exposing themselves to the hazards of outdoor life.



Cats Indoors! Campaign *


Keeping Cats Indoors *

and this one...

+22 Reasons To Keep Your Dog at Home+

1) Your dog won't come home rabid.

2) Your dog won't come home with Parvo.

3) Your dog won't be some coyote's lunch.

4) Your dog won't become a steel-jaw leghold trap victim.

5) Your dog won't become a pet theft statistic.

6) Your dog won't become a dog fight statistic.

7) Your dog won't become an animal abuse statistic.

8) Your dog won't come home smelling like skunk.

9) Your dog won't come home poisoned, or needing to go to the vet.

10) Your dog won't come home.

11) Your dog won't be responsible for a traffic accident.

12) Your dog won't be severely wounded or killed in an accident.

13) Your neighbors dogs won't bark as your dog enters their turf.

14) Your neighbors won't have to tell you your dog's been injured.

15) Your neighbors won't have to tell you you're being sued.

16) Your neighbors won't have to re-pack their garbage on trash day.

17) Your neighbors won't have to clean up your puppy's poop.

18) Your neighbors won't have to report you to the authorities.

19) Your neighbors won't have to tell you anything.

20) You are supposed to be smarter than your dog!

21) You won't have to pay to get your untagged dog back from the pound.

22) Your unspayed female dog won't come home pregnant.

 +22 Reasons To Keep Your Cat at Home+

1) Your cat won't come home rabid.

2) Your cat won't come home with Feline AIDS.

3) Your cat won't be some coyote's lunch.

4) Your cat won't become a steel-jaw leghold trap victim.

5) Your cat won't become a pet theft statistic.

6) Your cat won't become a cat fight statistic.

7) Your cat won't become an animal abuse statistic.

8) Your cat won't come home smelling like skunk.

9) Your cat won't come home poisoned, or needing to go to the vet.

10) Your cat won't come home.

11) Your cat won't be responsible for a traffic accident.

12) Your cat won't be severely wounded or killed in an accident.

13) Your neighbors dogs won't bark as your cat enters their turf.

14) Your neighbors won't have to tell you your cat has been injured/killed.

15) Your neighbors won't have to tell you your cat pees on their bush.

16) Your neighbors won't have to re-pack their garbage on trash day.

17) Your neighbors won't have to listen to your cat howl all night.

18) Your neighbors won't have to report you to the authorities.

19) Your neighbors won't have to tell you anything.

20) You're supposed to be smarter than your cat!

21) You won't have to pay to get your untagged cat from the pound.

22) Your unspayed female won't come home pregnant.

Responsible owners keep their pets at home. It's safer for everyone; you, your neighbors, your community, and especially, for your cat! And, quite simply, because it is the right thing to do.


"Animals come with unconditional love already there."

Everything on this page was accessed via the Internet (except where credit given).
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