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Practice Neuteronomy!

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I make no apology for including the following pictures on this page. I believe that many need such an eye opener. There are far too many unneccessary deaths of animals each year due to the ignorance of people not willing to spay and neuter their pets. When we allow our pets to remain "unfixed" and roam about, the tragedy in these pictures is all too common.
Each year an unspayed female cat can give birth to 2 - 4 litters of 2-6 kittens. After 4 years, this mom cat's descendents may total 20,736! Only few of these cats will have the chance to live a decent life in a loving home. Most of them will be dumped in the streets where they will become feral or will die in a pound.
The population of pet cats has rapidly increased so that there are now some 73 million cats in the United States!
"We will no longer kill your mistakes and the casualties of your responsibility." ~Craig Brestup
Free Pets
Every wonder what happened to the 6 kittens you gave away Free...
was hit by a car 
was euthanized at a shelter along with over 80% of all
cats at shelters
was eaten by a coyote
died of medical problems because the owner was too cheap to take it to a vet
was killed by the neighbor's dog
is still living with a loving family.
Less than 25% of the cats and or kittens given away free wind up in permanent homes. Over 90% of the cats and kittens we take in were obtained for free by a friend, family member or through the newspaper. Don't let your cat litter, spay today!



Bye Baby

No more lonely cold nights or hearing that I'm bad

No more growling belly from the meals I never had.

No more scorching sunshine with a water bowl that's dry

No more complaining neighbors about the noise when I cry. 

No more hearing "shut up," "get down," or "get out of here!"

No more feeling disliked, only peace is in the sir.

Euthanasia is a blessing, though some still can't see

Why I was ever born if I weren't meant to be.

My last day of living was the best I ever had

Someone held me very close, I could see she was very sad

I kissed the lady's face and she hugged me as she cried.

I wagged my tail to thank her, then I closed my eyes and died...

~Written by an animal shelter volunteer in Massena, NY

Resopurces and information for low cost or free Spay/Neuter.

"Litter is just another word for trash. Please spay and neuter your pets."

When YOU don't spay it's the pets that pay...
Everyone thinks working at a shelter must be so much fun. It is one of the most emotionally and physically draining jobs one could do and with very little respect from the public.
The frustration of watching pets suffer simply because their caregivers were to cheap, or lazy to have their pets altered is horrific. People think "what's the big deal, people love kittens, I'll find homes for all mine." Put aside the fact that there are already thousands of kittens being killed each year in shelters because of lack of good homes. Consider the suffering these animals go through. All too often we take in a litter of kittens who are born to moms who aren't even healthy enough to care for themselves.
Many times we take in a mom and babies the owner stating they can't keep the cat because she simply won't stop getting pregnant. They laugh that she's on her forth litter of the year. Mom's resources are completely drained, her body never been given time to recover, and now she's expected to care for yet another litter. Mom is in poor condition and we have to boost her the best we can just so she will survive in hopes she will be strong enough to care for her babies. Many times mom's body is in such a weak state, the kittens begin to suffer.
Though we intervene the best we can, these kittens are already in a frail state. Our volunteers spend hour after hour,  day after day trying to keep the kittens going long enough for their bodies to respond to the nutrition we are offering them. Many times, just when we think they are going to make it, the kittens take a turn for the worst. Their little bodies finally unable to fight anymore. We watch as they take their last breath and their suffering ends.
Sick to our stomachs that no matter how hard we worked it wasn't enough. Remembering the owner who laughed and showed absolutely no respect for the pet they took in. Yes, the pets PAY when you don't spay.

PLEASE NOTE: Some of the images below may be disturbing. If you would rather not view the pictures, click to go to the next page NOW.

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