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What you should know.

+Can Anyone Help My Cousin Sadie?+

I'm addressing this to all humans. I need help! My name is Stella and I'm a purebred dog - what you'd call a "breeder." I live in a huge high-volume kennel in Missouri. There are a couple thousand dogs here. I've been here about 8 years (that's human years) and I figure I've had at least 200 puppies. At least.

Oh, I don't want to give you the wrong idea...I'm not in any danger, or anything like that. There are people here who take care of us. They probably each have about 100 dogs with litters of puppies to take care of, but they eventually get around to each of us. I know I get at least one pat on the head per day. I have a stainless steel cage and there's room enough to lie down and turn around. We get two meals a day, just dry kibble, but at least the water is clean.

They even have veterinarians who work here. At first it struck us as odd that they could find doctors who studied medicine and then took an oath about compassionate care of animals to work here, but they did.

But enough about me, it's my cousin Sadie I'm worried about. You see, I haven't seen her since we were puppies. We can't write or call of course, but I hear things occasionally through the "grapevine." Some of the delivery trucks that take all the puppies from where I am to pet shops, also stop at the place where Sadie is, in Kansas. I hear things...that's what worries me.

I've heard Sadie lives in a cold and drafty barn. That's how it is in the winter, in the summer time it's an oven. The man who runs that place hardly has any help, and Sadie's in there with a couple hundred dogs. They have their cages up off the floor with wire bottoms, so that they're easy to clean (although I hear they rarely clean them), and I'm afraid that must hurt Sadie's paws. I've also heard the dogs get moldy food once a day, that their water, if they have it at all, is days old and dirty. Sadie has had even more puppies than I've had and I've heard about half of them have died.

Poor Sadie! I'm just heartsick over this and I don't think there's a thing I can do about it. I expect I'll be here over the next couple of years, and after that, who knows? But I'd at least like to know how Sadie is, and I know if she were here with me, she'd join me in asking just one more question.

If you all have enough puppies now, do you think we might go home sometime soon? I'm not really sure what a "home" is, but I hear the people here talk about going "home" at the end of the day, and they tell me my puppies have all gone to "homes." I figure me and Sadie might like to try out a "home" someday and see if it's to our liking.

Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated!


Your Friend, Stella

+Pet Shop Puppy+
I'm a little puppy, so cuddly, so sweet, and I live inside a cage you see at the pet store in the mall.
I'm not an only puppy, my sisters are all here,
My brothers, too, except for Ralph who died cause he was scared.
It's lonley here at nighttime when all the lights go dark.
We tremble in our cages and we whimper and we bark.
But no one comes to hold us or pet our fears away,
We sit all night in terror till the store opens next day.
We don't remember mama, left so far behind,
She did the best she could for us until Man said "It's time."
He crammed us all in cages too small for us to see,
We rode for hours; we could not help but lay in poop and pee.
And now we sit in a pet store where kids come taunt and squeeze,
They do not hear our whimpers or understand our pleas.
We're miserable and it's scary here we all would rather die,
But since we don't we do our best to run away and hide.
I know you think my story too sad to leave me be,
You want to take me home with you, a happy little puppy.
But please, though its fearful to live here against our will,
If you take me that leaves a spot another pup will fill.
You can stop our suffering but not by taking us home,
You must be strong and leave us here, unsold and all alone.
For if you do not take me, then another pup won't come,
And maybe he will not be shipped so far away from home.
Though some of us may not survive the cycle 'ere it falls,
If we don't sell they will not need more puppies in these hall.
And if they need no puppies then the Man will not bring more,
Eventually it all can stop, you can close the door.
So when you see a puppy face so sad and sweet and small,
In a cage at a pet store at your neighborhood shopping mall.
The best thing you can do for him is leave him sitting there,
That is the best way you can tell all dogs how much you care.
~Author Unknown
The following dogs and their short stories are just an example of the misery a dog suffers at the hands of puppy mill proprietors. Let's do our part on getting puppy mill breeders out of business!
"The suggestion that animals should pay for their freedom with their lives is moral nonsense." ~David Cowles-Hamar

Rosina was bred over and over for 8 years until she contracted a deadly infection and would have died if not rescued. She was debarked probably by having a metal pipe shoved down her throat to rupture her vocal cords.

Janay had so many c-sections that her organs had grown together. She lost 17 teeth when they were cleaned.

Tiny older gentleman severely abused and neglected who is certain no one will love him.

Puppies ready for shipment. This will be the way in which they travel for the long journey to their destination...

You have just seen some of the results of backyard puppy mill breeding.......

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