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Cowardice asks the question, is it safe?
Expediency asks the question, is it politic?
Vanity asks the question, is it popular?
But conscience asks the question, is it right?

There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe nor popular,
but he must take it because his conscience tells him that it is right.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  


Because of my sensitivity toward animals, this page was not an easy one to put together. I'm sure it will not be an easy one to read/view, either.

* Animal Suffering *


NOTE: Very graphic!
Horrific things are being done to dogs and cats in other countries. In The Philippines, Nagaland, Burma, Thailand, Nepal, Laos, Maylaysia, Indonisia, North Sumatra Vietnam, Taiwan, Korea, China, Belium, and so many more places, dogs and cats are slaughtered for fur, hides and food. For the fur, some animals are skinned and for food the hair is blow torched while the animal is still alive.
The cats, many times still alive, are pushed into a boling, scalding pressure cooker screaming out in pain, trying to claw their way out while someone with a stick keeps pushing them back in. These animals are put through such horrible abuse and pain before they die. Usually two people will break the dogs' back and put all four legs over the back. They leave the dog to suffer in pain for hours with a can over it's mouth and nose.
There is much more abuse done to these animals, but I won't go any further into it here.
The fur ends up on items like coats, sweaters and  stuffed animals. They are imported to the UK, USA, and to other countries, as well. 
In China under cover investigators followed a slaughterhouse bound truck and investigators spotted among the doznes of terrified faces a sweet, floppy-eared mongrel who seemed to symbolize the heartbreak of this barbaric trade. He was a small, black dog with butterscotch eyes, not much more than a pup. He wore a pastel collar with a heart-shaped pendant inscribed with the word "love." Was he someone's much loved pet?
"Until we stop harming all other living things, we are atill savages." ~Thomas A. Edison
"My doctrine is this, that if we see cruelty or wrong that we have the power to stop, and do nothing, we make ourselves sharers in the guilt." ~Anna Sewell, author
NOTE: If you would rather not view the photo I've included below, hit the 'Click Here' button NOW to go to the next page.




  "We should be able to refuse to live if the price of living be the torture of sentient beings." Gandhi


Everything on this page was accessed via the Internet (except where credit given).
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