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Animal Rescuer

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Animal Rescuer
The Rainbow Bridge
Something to Think About
A Special Page

I don't know who wrote the following, but when I read it I knew I had to share it with everyone who came to this site. It really touched my heart.
+The Rescuer+
I'll never bring world peace.
I won't single-handedly save the rainforest.
I'm not a brain surgeon and I'll never transplant an organ to save a life.
I don't have the ear of a powerful politician or world power.
I can't end world hunger.
I'm not a celebrity and God knows I'm not glamorous.
I'm not looked up to by millions around the world.
Very few people even recognize my name.
I'll never win the Nobel Prize or end global warming.
There are a lot of things that I'll never do or become.
But today I helped place an animal.
It was small, scared, bundle of flesh and fur that was dumped at a shelter or on the streets by unfeeling people who didn't care what happened to it, but yet were responsible for it having existance in the first place.
I helped it find a home.
It now has contentment and an abundance of toys, and a warm to sleep and plenty to eat.
Two little girls have a warm and playful new friend who will give them unending affection and teach them about responsibility and love.
A wife and mother has a new free spirit to cuddle, nurture, and care for.
A husband and father has a furry friend to sit in his lap at the
end of a hard day of work and help him relax and enjoy life and a sense of satisfaction that when he is gone all day at work, that there is a gentle spirit in his home keeping watch over his family.
No, I'm not a rocket scientist. But today I made a difference.
And I'll do it tomorrow, too, if given a chance.
+Rescuer's Creed+
I promise I will take your unwanted animals.
I will heal their wounds, their diseases, their broken bones.
I will give them the medical attention they need and deserve.
I will nurture their starvation and give them a warm place to sleep.
I will spay and neuter them, vaccinate them against diseases that can harm them.
I will treat them and honor them.
I will buy them toys, blankets, balls, and teach them to play.
I will speak softly to them.
I will try to teach them not to fear, not to cry, and not to hate.
I will whisper sweet, kind, gentle words into their ears, while gently trying to stroke their fear, their pain, and their scars away.
I will face their emotional scars and give them time to overcome them.
I will socialize them, potty train them, teach them to be obedient, show them dignity, and hold their paws, and stroke their ears if they if they have endured too much and walk them over the Rainbow Bridge.
BUT most of all I will teach them that there are humans who LOVE.





Caution: Photo directly below may be disturbing to some.

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