"If I could reach up and hold a star for every time I think about you little girl,
the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand."
To the Child of My Heart,
How do I tell you, in words, how much you were loved and how much you are now missed? How can I possibly describe the
love my heart holds for you and how it weeps for you at the same time?
One of my most cherished memories of you is when you used to run across the street to see me whenever I was outside.
I'd pat you and rub your tummy and, if I sat down to visit with you, you'd jump onto my lap. All you wanted was attention
and to know someone cared. I did care...very much. But we already had as many dogs as we felt we could properly care
for. Besides, you weren't ours...your home was with them. And then they decided they no longer wanted you. Their efforts
to find you a new forever home were in vain, so they tied you up in the backyard, with no food or water. And it was h-o-t
out there. I took you food and water when no one was looking, but my conscience bothered me and I finally asked them if I
could take you home. They readily said yes. And that was the beginning of a special bond that my heart will always
You were a puppy and yet you were wise beyond your months of life. You didn't like to potty in the house and you actually
housetrained yourself. You learned to sit and stay and to come to us when you were called, all without a moment's hesitation.
You quickly learned that the cat's toys were not yours and you never picked one of them up again. You didn't chew
things up as most puppies just naturally do, nor did you dig holes in the yard, playfully bite, or get too rough when
you played with your fur brothers and sisters. You would bark if a stranger came near, but once they got close enough to you,
you would try your best to cover them in puppy kisses.
You loved to go for rides in the family vehicle and you loved water. But you loved us most of all...
No one will ever convince us that you were a "normal" puppy. There was something different about you. You sensed that
your dad needed someone special. You knew when he was hurting, either physically or in his heart. You tried to comfort him
during those times and you certainly succeeded. You brought him so much joy and caused him to laugh when he didn't think he
would ever even smile again.
Some would say that we are only trying to console ourselves by believing that you were an angel sent from above. Some
would say that you were not any more precious than any other pet- and while that's true, maybe those same humans had a angel
in some other form than a furbaby and didn't recognize it. Or perhaps they did...
You stayed just long enough to do a task that was bestowed upon you... that job being to comfort, guide, console,
and help heal both of us, your human parents. Once you knew that we were going to be okay - that we could face
things once again with hope and faith - it was time for you to leave. Your mission was completed.
We will never understand why you couldn't stay longer, nor will we ever understand why you had to leave in the way in
which you did. Here I am - afraid of water if it goes over my head - and you died by drowning.
We felt so guilty for taking you into waters that we knew nothing about. We felt guiltier yet that we were never able to recover
your little body. We tried to find you, Missy girl, really we did, but it wasn't to be. I hate the water even more now - you
certainly didn't deserve to have a dark, cold, and watery grave.
Did I say "die?" No, you didn't die. Angels only go back from whence they came. Angels live for all eternity. That's
what you were - that's what you are. There is no other explanation as to why you came into our lives at a time when
we needed you the most and why you had to leave so abruptly.
You are our baby and we mourn you as if you were a human child. Our hearts are still numb with grief and we cry
whenever we think of you or speak of you.
We look forward to seeing you again and I know that we will. Wait for us, Missy girl... One day, we'll be where you are.
I'll once again hold you and you'll hear our laughter and see our tears of joy and we'll never be separated again.
We have adopted a "new" furbaby... His name is Leroy. He's about your same color and close to your same age when we lost
you. We stopped at the Humane Society one day and there he was... a part pitbull puppy who had been there for 3 months. No
one seemed to want to adopt him and I'm guessing it's partly due to the pitbull breed in him. We didn't adopt Leroy as a replacement
for you...there's not another furbaby anywhere in the world that could do that. You were unique - special - and
we know that you were a once-in-a-lifetime furchild. But he does help to fill a void in our hearts and in
our home.
He's stubborn and so he's more difficult to teach - he likes to chew things and he digs holes in the yard. He antagonizes
the cats and your sister, Mandy. He doesn't follow us around the house or outside like you did because he prefers to do "his
own thing." We know that he isn't like you and we try to accept the differences. Some days it''s difficult, but we couldn't
imagine ever being without him now. Because of you, we are able to give our time and love to Leroy. You taught us
how to do that.
Oh, one more thing...and you probably already know this...Leroy has identical markings on each shoulder that resembles
wings. They are white and are wide on his shoulders, narrowing down to under his front legs. The strange thing is, we didn't
notice the markings until after we had him at home for awhile, even though they are very distinctive. We have no doubt that
he's our angel dog, sent to us by you.
Sometimes I look for traits in you
Of a little dog you never knew
A dog that loved me all her days
And understood in special ways.
But that’s not fair to you, you elf
not a substitute, but yourself
You’ve eased the loss and soothed the pain
And tugged my laughter home again.
puppy, at times I almost start
When your eyes recall her to my heart
You’ll never lack for love, that’s
Because of her you’re twice as dear.